Session lost
Posted by: Heinrich ()
Date: October 04, 2007 06:54AM


unfortunately BTS is in french only.
When accessing OF 1.3 or 2.0 from behind a Proxy (what is normal in corporate networks, in this case Bluecoat) the session gets lost regularly while working and Sign on screen is displayed. This behaviour does not show up with other applications that work with identified users.


Re: Session lost
Posted by: claratte ()
Date: October 04, 2007 10:05AM


Yes almost posted bugs are in french. But there is no problem to post english ones.

I've translated in english categories, so, you should not have difficulty to post an english bug report ;-)

Concerning your session trouble, it's strange. None of our 18.000 users has reported such trouble (but in France, people complain a lot, but report few ;-) and, personally, I never had this trouble...

For each release, is it each time ? Is there a time before auto-unlog ?

Is it concerning our hosted releases, or your own hosted releases ?

Christophe LARATTE
OpenFlyers manager

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