All world airfields in Version 2? Where?
Posted by: trystan ()
Date: January 09, 2008 11:30PM

In the svn: I can only see French airfields - where are the rest?

Re: All world airfields in Version 2? Where?
Posted by: claratte ()
Date: January 10, 2008 02:59PM

Just ask us.

Christophe LARATTE
OpenFlyers manager

Re: All world airfields in Version 2? Where?
Posted by: trystan ()
Date: January 10, 2008 03:35PM

Ok I will smiling smiley

Can you tell me please where the rest of the airfields are?

Re: All world airfields in Version 2? Where?
Posted by: claratte ()
Date: January 10, 2008 08:44PM

We got a complete worldwide coverage. So, the airfields included in our worldwide database are airfields from everywhere in the world.

Christophe LARATTE
OpenFlyers manager

Re: All world airfields in Version 2? Where?
Posted by: jabberwock ()
Date: April 13, 2008 07:10PM

claratte Wrote:
> We got a complete worldwide coverage. So, the
> airfields included in our worldwide database are
> airfields from everywhere in the world.

I've been handed one with many of the airfields (minus information on the altitude) so I'm wondering, where is this worldwide database that you are working with found? I'm looking for North America.

Re: All world airfields in Version 2? Where?
Posted by: claratte ()
Date: April 13, 2008 08:26PM


our global database if accessible from now on our hosted solution.

Christophe LARATTE
OpenFlyers manager

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