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14 years ago
Christophe, Thank you very much. Will check it later. regards Humberto
Forum: Support Forum [English only]
14 years ago
I cannot find anything related about PEAR: date class in wiki. The only thing i found is about class version, and my version is correct. Can you point me in the right direction? I have everything working, except dates and times in logbooks. Regards Humberto
Forum: Support Forum [English only]
14 years ago
Hello I know the problem is not with OpenFlyers. The most strange thing is that I don't have any php error. It really seems a problem with Pear: date, but cannot find the problem. All logbooks and other pages that display date and time don't work fine, because there is no date and time at all. Regards. Humberto
Forum: Support Forum [English only]
14 years ago
Hello i'm still having problems with date and time in reports. Pear:ate seems OK. It looks like a date/time format issue, but no error is returned. any help? Regards Humberto
Forum: Support Forum [English only]
14 years ago
Hello First of all, congrats for this great application. I finally get version 2.0 working on my server. but i've got one problem. All logbooks don't display date and time. I can see date and time in my database, but not shown in logbooks. Any guess?? Regards Humberto
Forum: Support Forum [English only]
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