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6 years ago
Hello, > i have subscribed If you have subscribed to OpenFlyers, then you have nothing to install: you have access to the OpenFlyers platform we provide for you. Nevertheless, here the link to the wiki: And the page to download and install: Best regards,
Forum: Support Forum [English only]
6 years ago
Hello, Sorry for this late reply. To ensure the confidence of all stakeholders, it is very important that a validated flight cannot be un-validated. Nevertheless, this problem occurs from time to time. So, to mitigate the issue, we have created a function that helps to easily cancel the "effects" of a flight that should be deleted by creating an exact opposite flight. Then, you
Forum: Support Forum [English only]
11 years ago
Hello, Yes. Go to and more specifically Best regards,
Forum: Support Forum [English only]
11 years ago
Hi, That's strange. I have no clue. Take à look a the classes/mail.class.php file. Go to line 169 (it should be the start of send function). Then within the send function, just after if (count($allRecipients) > 0) { add an printf($allRecipients); then a die(); to check if e-mail are not twice. Best regards,
Forum: Support Forum [English only]
14 years ago
Hello, One of my colleague said to me that the answer is: Mysql timezone table Best regards,
Forum: Support Forum [English only]
14 years ago
Hello, We can supply support. You just have to ask for a quotation about that by email. Best regards,
Forum: Support Forum [English only]
14 years ago
Hello, Did you apply what is recommanded somewhere on the wiki about the PEAT:ate class? Best regards,
Forum: Support Forum [English only]
14 years ago
Hello, describe your logs or php errors. Otherwise it's impossible to help you! The problem is not a OpenFlyers problem but your server configuration problem (otherwise, how our 30000 pilots could use OpenFlyers...) Best regards,
Forum: Support Forum [English only]
14 years ago
Hello, Take a look to the Pear:ate class. Maybe the problem is there (you may make a search on this forum and on the wiki). Best regards,
Forum: Support Forum [English only]
15 years ago
Hi, No and I don't see how... But, you may add to the OpenFlyers login page any notice. Best regards,
Forum: Support Forum [English only]
15 years ago
Hi, Answer is here: Best regards,
Forum: Support Forum [English only]
15 years ago
Hi! You're right to use the forum to alert us. I did not receive your email. Please, try again so I try to solve the problem. About the payment, I check. Best regards,
Forum: Support Forum [English only]
15 years ago
Hi, It's a session trouble. You're session seems not be save in a server directory. Make a search on google about that (php, session). See you,
Forum: Support Forum [English only]
15 years ago
Hello, That's in the current release. You just have to activate accountancy in the configuration page. ( and follow the wiki doc: ) I have to help Joël to translate the tutorial part...
Forum: Support Forum [English only]
16 years ago
Perfect! I try to keep in mind the "no-maintenance flag".
Forum: Support Forum [English only]
16 years ago
This suggestion as already been formed by a club, but we will not to do it for 2 main reasons: - it's useless (it's not very practical to check every day all the books for the admin or any manager, it's more useful (and efficient) to make a good SQL request and to gain a statistic information (or to make appear a list of "strange" behaviours). Doing this SQL request is "easy"
Forum: Support Forum [English only]
16 years ago
Just a question: the "flown by" vs "booked for" is for every kind of item? (and do applied it the given english.php file?)
Forum: Support Forum [English only]
16 years ago
Clubs already use this room capability. Your request is only "design" level, so not urge ;-)
Forum: Support Forum [English only]
16 years ago
Hello, There will be no real delete user function for some years (turnover in flying clubs does not need a quick answer to this) We do not want the delete action because of database integrity. So, one day, there will be a big erase button to delete every thing older than X years and that was not used since these X years (in order to avoid database integrity failure)
Forum: Support Forum [English only]
16 years ago
Hello everybody, Luke from NZ pointed out to me the fact that first name and last name are not always displayed in the same order (time to times: first name + last name, other times: last + first name) Luke prefers first name + last name. Here is a short list of places where first name and last name are displayed: -reports (like the booking list report) -day calendar: W. WRIGHT for ex
Forum: Support Forum [English only]
16 years ago
> what version I wonder? Hopefully, Stéphane answered for me, I'm just a user not a server admin ;-) May you put your config install process on our wiki? (here: ) If you haven't wiki write access, tell me, I will create an account.
Forum: Support Forum [English only]
16 years ago
Hi, It's seems very complicated! To install OF2, you need HP 5, MySQL (maybe 4 or 5, I do not remember if it's work with 3) You also need PEAR modules (list is in the wiki) To install PEAR modules, you only need (with linux) to use pear command. (you seem to have done all of this) And do not forget to edit the php.ini file for some extensions required (XSL and some things like th
Forum: Support Forum [English only]
16 years ago
Hi, Before there was "manage something" for everything. But we have removed the "manage" word due to lack of space. So maybe: Admin -> Users -> Users -> Add But, I prefer to wait that another guy got the same trouble as you to decide if it's really important or not. Your post are welcome. The best is to complete the wiki area. If you want, I may give you a
Forum: Support Forum [English only]
16 years ago
I opened a new thread, because we're going away from the initial track of this thread;-)
Forum: Support Forum [English only]
16 years ago
Answer is now here:
Forum: Support Forum [English only]
16 years ago
No, it's automatic. I saw your subscription (and that you didn't confirm it). I just send an automatic subscription reminder. And I send you the same email manually. So, you should receive id twice time. If you receive it only one time or not at all, it's that there is a trouble somewhere... (maybe your anti-spam?) See you, Christophe
Forum: Support Forum [English only]
16 years ago
Hi, The best is to open a test area here: If it's work on the test area, so your installation is not ok, if you don't achieve to create aircraft or instructors, so I will write down the process ;-)
Forum: Support Forum [English only]
16 years ago
16 years ago
Hi, I got XP, celeron 3Ghz and 1,18Go RAM... and no problem. I also use PHP 5.2, MySQL 5, Apache 2. Update your OF 2.0 from the SVN. (now sentences are in english) Restart all (from a OF 1.3 database). So you should be able to find the line mistaking in the install/update_db.php file.
Forum: Support Forum [English only]
16 years ago
Yes! There is a timer: check your php.ini file max_execution_time (At home, it's 300 ;-)
Forum: Support Forum [English only]
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